Silberra PAN50 is panchromatic negative black and white photo film, with ISO value of 50. Extremely superfine grain, wide tonal range, perfect sharpness and increased contrast are typical for Silberra PAN50 film. There's also Silberra ULTIMA50 b&w film which is identical to Silberra PAN50, except the thickness of the substrate (the substrate at ULTIMA50 film is thinner, which makes it a bit easier media to scan and print).
Here are the main features of Silberra PAN series:
1) Low noise, low fog level and extremely fine grain are the special features of emulsion used for Silberra PAN films;
2) Silberra PAN films were derived from Agfa films for surveillance, by widening the dynamic range, lowering contrast and saving several specials, which include:
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